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Brave Women

we have women's Discipleship Groups, Bible Studies, Life Groups, and events throughout the year. We hope to encourage all women to live on a mission making disciples by taking personal risks to bring the gospel to every relationship. We teach women to love God with their hearts, souls, and minds. Women are  Warriors! Think on God’s Word with purpose, allowing it to become heart-knowledge instead of just head-knowledge, so they can learn to love God—deeply, accept their redemption through Jesus Christ in their hearts—fully, and then, in turn, exalt Him—highly!

"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the (wo)man who takes refuge in Him!"
Psalm 34:8

As BRAVE Women, we want to encourage each other to experience the fullness of Jesus Christ through the study of His Word, application, prayer, and worship. We believe the command in Titus 2:3-5, which challenges multi-generations of women to come alongside each other through growing relationships of mentoring and discipleship. We are calling women to a higher standard

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